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Welding Discussion

Welcome to the Welding Discussion, where welders and welding enthusiasts share experiences and advice related to the field of welding(Metal Cutting, Tig Welding, Mig And Flux Core, Stick Welding/Arc Welding, Welding Projects, Product Reviews).

What is the Difference Between Stick Welding and MIG Welding?

If you’re a new welder, you may be wondering what the difference is between stick welding and MIG welding, and

TurboTim TurboTim


Before talking about the TIG welding advantages, let us understand Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG). In TIG welding an arc is created between

TJsmud TJsmud

Tips for Cutting With a Plasma Cutting Machine

From marine salvage to metal fabrication and more, plasma cutting encompasses a range of industrial applications. This formidable technique enables

William Hamilton William Hamilton
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