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10 Easy Tips & Tricks for Improving Your MIG Weld to Pro

Reverend Greg
15 Min Read

Step 7: Keep Your Torch Lead Straight

It may seem like common sense, but it’s important to avoid standing on your torch lead during MIG welding. Standing on the lead can impede or completely stop the wire-feeding process and cause kinks in the wire. Additionally, it is best to keep the torch as straight as possible.

Leaving the torch lead in tight loops or twisted positions can lead to kinks in the wire or liner, resulting in poor wire feeding performance. To ensure smooth and uninterrupted wire feeding, it is crucial to keep the torch lead straight and free from any unnecessary twists or loops.

By maintaining a straight torch lead, you minimize the risk of wire kinking and ensure consistent wire feeding, which is essential for producing high-quality welds.

Step 8: Use Anti-Spatter Spray

Using an anti-spatter spray is a beneficial practice in MIG welding. Before starting your weld, apply an even coat of anti-spatter spray onto the workpiece. This preventive measure will save you time and effort in the post-welding process.

The anti-spatter spray creates a protective barrier that prevents the spatter from adhering to the surface of the workpiece. After completing your weld, the spatter can be easily chipped off using a chipping hammer, eliminating the need for extensive grinding to achieve a clean finish.

By utilizing anti-spatter spray, you simplify the post-welding cleanup process and maintain the aesthetic appearance of your welds. It is a time-saving technique that promotes efficiency in your welding operations.

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